Invalda asks permission to acquire up to 100% of Veritas shares

Invalda, one of the largest investment companies in Lithuania, asks permission of the Competition Council of the Republic of Lithuania to acquire up to 100% of yarn manufacturing company Vernitas.

At the end of 2010 Invalda owned 11.7% of Vernitas shares.

“We think that many years a loss-making company needs changes to improve competitiveness and operational efficiency. We ask for the permission, in order we could increase owned stake up to the controlling under acceptable conditions. This would allow to initiate changes that focus on the restoration of the company’s profitability and shareholders’ equity increase,” – said Darius Sulnis, the president of Invalda.

In 2010 sales of Vernitas, which is located in Marijampole, reached 41.7 mln. LTL, a loss was 548 thousant LTL. The main activity of Vernitas is textile fiber preparation and spinning, wholesale and retail trade of textile products. Most of Vernitas’ manufactured acrylic yarns are sold in the CIS markets.

About Invalda
Invalda AB is one of the major Lithuanian investment companies whose primary objective is to steadily increase the investor equity value. For the purpose of attainment of this objective Invalda actively manages its investments, exercising control or significant influence over target businesses.
The largest part of Invalda Group activities are performed in Poland and Lithuania.
Invalda’s shares have been listed since December 19, 1995 (then the National Stock Exchange of Vilnius, Lithuania). From the January 1, 2008 the company’s shares have been on the Main List of NASDAQ OMX Vilnius stock exchange.