The net profit of INVL Baltic Real Estate – EUR 0.43 million

The net profit of INVL Baltic Real Estate, the company investing into commercial real estate, during the eight months activity in 2014 amounted to EUR 0.43 million (LTL 1.5 million) or EUR 0.06 per share. INVL Baltic Real Estate revenues amounted to EUR 3.5 million (LTL 12.13 million) (from this EUR 1.7 million (LTL 6 million) – rental revenue from owned real estate)

INVL Baltic Real Estate has started its activity in the end of April 2014 as a spin-off from  Invalda LT. Consolidated equity amounted to EUR 14.5 million (LTL 50 million) or EUR 2.06 per share at the end of 2014.

“We view first year results positively – owned companies managed to increase rental revenues. Despite increasing competition in commercial real estate, we plan to improve results in the rental market at this year”, – said Andrius Dauksas, director of INVL Baltic Real Estate.

According to him, after signing of the long term agreement in September 2014, current focus is to increase cash flow and value of owned real estate.

Group companies of INVL Baltic Real Estate have about 51 700 sq. m of the real estate in Vilnius and Riga. Total value of owned real estate assets amounts to EUR 33.8 million (LTL 116.87 million). Company’s shares are listed on NASDAQ Vilnius stock exchange.