BAIP group: Norway Registers Development AS will create an eRegistry System in Mauritius

Norway Registers Development AS (NRD), as a lead partner in joint venture with local partner SAS Software Solutions Ltd., Mauritius, has been awarded a year and a half long contract of Supply and Implementation of an eRegistry System in Mauritius. The eRegistry System which is a Component of the Mauritius eRegistry Project (MeRP) is worth 3.7 million USD and is funded by the Government of Mauritius and Investment Climate Facility for Africa.

MeRP will transform the Registrar-General’s Department (RGD) from a traditional paper based Service to an e-Service organization. RGD launched MeRP project in order to make registration of documents (movable, immovable property transactions, etc.) easier and faster, improve collection of taxes related to registration activities. This will be achieved by using the latest technologies and solutions that can provide integrated workflows and enable the stakeholders to handle transactions online.

The scope of the MeRP includes the delivery, installation and commissioning of computer equipment, system and application software. Important part of the project is training and transfer of knowledge, including application, system administration and equipment use, to make end-users familiar with the new system.

The project will be implemented in two stages. The first stage will focus on the modernization and optimization of the RGD through the deployment of hardware and adoption of the e-Registry software. During the second stage the services will be made available online and made accessible to the stakeholders of the RGD via web-based single point Self-Service user interface.

The Registrar-General’s Department (RGD) is a revenue collecting department of the Government of Mauritius (GoM) and operates under the aegis of the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development (MOFED). The RGD collects revenue through taxation and registration of documents in line with legislation in force in the Republic of Mauritius.

About Norway Registers Development AS (NRD AS)
NRD AS experts have been working on different e-registration and e-filing frameworks in all parts of the world for the last 16 years and are especially well composed for drawing on experiences from a great number of projects in a similar variety of legal, institutional and infrastructural settings. NRD AS has been involved in Rwanda, which is now ranked as number 8 in Starting a Business, Liberia, Guatemala, Vietnam and other countries.

NRD AS services and experiences cover consultancy, institutional building and training, system designing and implementation and operation services. The NRD AS fields of experiences cover the complete range of activities from the raising of awareness and political commitment, project designing and preparations, implementation support and execution as well as system operation and maintenance.