On August 6, 2010, the General Shareholders Meeting of Invalda AB adopted the following resolutions:
1. Regarding election of the audit company and setting the conditions of payment for the audit services.
According to the paragraph 1.5 of Article 20 of the Law on Companies of the Republic of Lithuania and paragraph 4 of Article 52 of the Law on Audit of the Republic of Lithuania, considering the proposal of the Board of Invalda AB, which is based on the July 10, 2010 recommendation of the Audit Committee regarding the audit company:
1. To elect joint-stock company PricewaterhouseCoopers, code 111473315, located at municipality of Vilnius city, Vilnius, 16 B J. Jasinskio str., audit company certificate No. 001273, to audit annual financial statements of the financial years 2010-2011.
2. To set the conditions of payment for the audit services:
2.1. the main remuneration for the audit of each year’s set of annual financial statements – 124 000 LTL (one hundred twenty four thousand Litas. VAT is not included in this amount and is calculated and paid additionally according to the laws) for each year;
2.2. in case additional services are provided under the agreement on audit services, additional remuneration is paid to the audit company. Additional remuneration is determined according to join-stock company PricewaterhouseCoopers employees who are involved in providing additional services hourly rates;
2.3. additional remuneration is paid after additional services are provided.
2. Regarding partial change of terms of 25 mln. LTL nominal value convertible bonds issue.
Following the requirement of the paragraph 4.5 of Article 56 of the Law on Companies of the Republic of Lithuania to indicate the procedure of interest payment in the decision of the General Meeting of Shareholders to issue convertible bonds, to change partially November 14, 2008 decision of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Invalda AB shareholders on the first item on the agenda (December 30, 2010 wording) regulating the procedure of interest payment and lay out subparagraphs iii and iv of the paragraph c of part 1 of the mentioned decision as follows:
iii) during the period from July 1, 2010 till June 30, 2011, annual interest of 9.9%, calculated for the calendar month from the nominal value of bonds, is paid on the last business day of the current calendar month starting from July 1, 2010;
iv) in case of the bonds redemption, interest for the period from July 1, 2011 is paid on July 1, 2012.
The approval of RB Finansai UAB, the owner of all convertible bonds of this issue, for the new wording of the decision is received.
3. Regarding partial change of terms of 7.44 mln. LTL nominal value convertible bonds issue.
According to the requirement of the paragraph 4.5 of Article 56 of the Law on Companies of the Republic of Lithuania to indicate the procedure of interest payment in the decision of the General Meeting of Shareholders to issue convertible bonds, to change partially January 30, 2010 decision of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Invalda AB shareholders on the third item on the agenda regulating the procedure of interest payment and lay out subparagraphs ii and iii of the paragraph c of part 1 of the mentioned decision as follows:
ii) during the period from July 1, 2010 till June 30, 2011, annual interest of 9.9%, calculated for the calendar month from the nominal value of bonds, is paid on the last business day of the current calendar month starting from July 1, 2010;
iii) in case of bonds redemption, interest for the period from July 1, 2011 is paid on July 1, 2012.
The approval of DIM Investment UAB, the owner of all convertible bonds of this issue, for the new wording of the decision is received.
Kristina Gudauskaite
Assistant to president
Tel. + 370 5 2752776