Invalda AB: Draft decisions of ordinary general shareholders meeting

Management Board of Invalda AB approved the following draft resolutions of the ordinary general shareholders meeting , taking place on April 27, 2007:

1. Consolidated annual report for the year 2006.
Draft Resolution:
1. To get familiarized with consolidated annual report for the year 2006.

2. Company’s auditor’s report.
Draft Resolution:
2. To recommend shareholders of Invalda AB to take into account auditor’s report when voting for the approval of the Company’s financial statements for the year 2006 and of consolidated financial statements for the year 2006.

3. Approval of the Company’s financial statements for the year 2006
Draft Resolution:
3. To approve Company’s financial statements for the year 2006

4. Approval of the Company’s consolidated financial statements for the year 2006.
Draft Resolution.
4. To approve Company’s consolidated financial statements for the year 2006.

5. Approval of the Company’s profit (loss) distribution for the year 2006.
Draft Resolution:
5. To approve Company’s profit distribution for the year 2006:

Undistributed result – profit (loss) – at the end of  the previous financial year 18.858.410 5.461.773
The net result of the financial year – profit (loss) 28.816.185 8.345.744
Result available for distribution – profit (loss) – at the end of the financial year 47.674.595 13.807.517
Shareholders‘ distributions to cover loss 0 0
Transfers from the reserves 0 0
Result available for distribution – profit (loss) –  at the end of the financial year 47.674.595 13.807.517
Distribution of the profit:
– to the reserves provided by law 1.433.023 415.032
– to the reserves for purchase of own shares 34.500.000 9.991.891
– dividends 11.252.094 3.258.832
– etc. 0 0
Undistributed result – profit (loss) – at the end of the financial year 489.478 141.763

To form the reserve of 34.5 mLTL (9.99 mEUR) for purchase of own shares. If the share price doesn’t reach 14 LTL (4.06 EUR) till June 30, 2007, to convene shareholders meeting and initiate purchase of own shares in the stock exchange.

To pay 0,25 LTL (0.07 EUR) dividends per one share.

Darius Šulnis
+370 5 273 48 76