The shareholders of Invalda approved the split – off terms.

The shareholders of Invalda, one of the largest Lithuanian investment company‘s, approved the split – off  terms. According to those terms a part of Invalda will be split – off and on the basis this part a new public – joint stock company Invalda Privatus Kapitalas will be formed.

45.45 percent   of the total assets of the Company (a balance sheet value of the Company’s assets at the end of 2012 totaled to 372.2 million litas) as well as 45.45 percent of the Company’s equity capital and liabilities will be allocated to the newly established entity. The shares in Invalda Privatus Kapitalas are not going to be listed on NASDAQ OMX Vilnius Stock Exchange.

In accordance with the Law on companies, the shareholders holding the shares with the nominal value less than 1/10 of the authorized capital of the Company, will have a right within 45 days after approval of the split – off terms by the general meeting of shareholders to request that their shares would be redeemed by the Company.

The redemption price approved by the Board is 8.076 litas, (EUR 2.339), i.e. it is equal to the weighted average price of transactions with Company’s shares on Stock Exchange during the period of six months immediately preceding the General Meeting of Shareholders which adopted the decision on the split – off. The share redemption procedure will be implemented through the market of official offer of NASDAQ OMX Vilnius stock exchange (hereinafter – Stock Exchange) and will last 45 days.

„It is planned to finish the split – off procedure within several days after the end of redemption period, so in June a new company will be operational”- Dalius Kaziunas, the president of Invalda said.

The Company will continue its activity after the split – off under the new name Invalda LT.

In the split – off, the Company‘s shares in Cedus Invest (which holds 36.9 percent of shares in  Litagra) and Vilniaus Baldai will be allocated to the companies continuing after the split – off proportionally, i.e. 39.35 percent of shares in Vilniaus Baldai and 54.55 percent in Cedus Invest will be allocated to Invalda LT; 32.79 percent of shares in Vilniaus Baldai and 45.45 percent of shares in Cedus Invest will be allocated to the newly established company Invalda Privatus Kapitalas.

According to the split – off terms the following assets of a balance value of LTL 83.933 million will be allocated to Invalda LT after the split – off: commercial real estate objects (that currently are under possession of Invalda Nekilnojamojo Turto Fondas) as well as IT and facility management companies and Kelio Zenklai. Furthermore, the assets of a balance sheet value of LTL 67.214 million will be allocated to Invalda Privatus Kapitalas, in particular real estate objects that are currently under development as well as service companies acting under the „Inreal“ brand.

Investments of companies investing into agricultural land will be split – off allocating LTL 19.281 million to Invalda LT and LTL 16.538 million to Invalda Privatus Kapitalas.

Other financial assets, including cash and smaller investments will be split – off allocating LTL 70.116 million to Invalda LT and LTL 60.65 million to Invalda Privatus Kapitalas.

After the split – off, total balance value of the assets of Invalda LT (as of December 31, 2012) will amount to LTL 203.04 million; total balance value of the assets of Invalda Privatus Kapitalas will amount to LTL 169.153 million.

After the split – off, Darius Sulnis, Alvydas Banys and Irena Ona Miseikiene as well as the persons related to them will be the largest shareholders in Invalda LT; and Vytautas Bucas, Algirdas Bucas and Irena Ona Miseikiene will be the largest shareholders in Invalda Privatus Kapitalas.

The person authorized to provide additional information:
Dalius Kaziunas
Tel. (8 5) 273 3278
Email: [email protected]