The amended authorized capital of Invalda LT has been registered

The split – off of one of the biggest Lithuanian investment companies Invalda is close to the completion. After this process two companies will act on the market – Invalda LT and Invalda Privatus Kapitalas.

On Friday the Register of Legal Entities has registered an amended authorized capital of Invalda LT which amounts to LTL 24.834 million.

„This is one of the last steps of the split – off process. We still have to execute transfer – acceptance certificates; the information about the assets of Invalda LT remaining after the transfer is going to be announced on Monday“, – Darius Sulnis, the President of Invalda LT said.

30,46 percent of voting rights in Invalda LT belong to the company LJB Investments controlled by Alvydas Banys; Irena Ona Miseikiene owns 25,03 percent of voting rights; Lucrum Investicija – 22,56 percent of voting rights and Darius Sulnis – 8,94 percent of voting rights. 13,01 percent of voting rights in Invalda LT are under possession of minor shareholders. The shares in Invalda LT are listed on the main list of NASDAQ OMX Vilnius. Taking into account the last price of shares of Invalda LT on the Stock Exchange, the capitalization of Invalda LT after renewal of trade will total approximately to LTL 200 million.      


The person authorized to provide additional information:
Darius Sulnis
Tel. (8 5) 273 4876