Shareholders of Invalda approved results for 2009

Shareholders of investment company Invalda approved results for 2009, covered losses from reserves, reelected board and audit committee members and also approved employees stock option grants policy during shareholders meeting held on April 30, 2010.

As it was announced earlier, Invalda group’s audited loss attributed to equity holders of the parent company was 88.6 million Litas. Loss was affected by formed allowances of 111.6 million Litas, mainly for possible real estate losses. Invalda also has invested in the Road construction, Pharmaceutical, Furniture manufacturing, Information Technology (IT) infrastructure companies and others. The largest ones were operating profitably in 2009.

Vytautas Bucas, Darius Sulnis and Dalius Kaziunas were reelected to the board of Invalda for the 4 years term of office. For the same term Danute Kadanaite and Tomas Bubinas (as an independent member) were reelected to the audit committee.

According to the approved stock option grants policy, considering the group’s and different companies’ results in 2010-2011, Invalda management board will allow the employees to acquire up to 1 per cent of current Invalda share capital. Issue price of new shares is 5.5 Litas. Specific number of shares and employees which will get stock option grants will be approved by the management board.

„We seek to maintain and strengthen the team of qualified, optimistic, responsible and loyal employees and to create conditions for self-realisation and to direct employees energy towards implementation of Invalda goals”, – said D. Sulnis.

About Invalda AB
Investment company Invalda was established in 1992. The goal of the company – steady long term growth, successful activity development and high long term financial return to the shareholders. Currently Invalda focuses on pharmacy (Sanitas), roads and bridges construction (Tiltra Group, Kauno Tiltai), furniture manufacturing (Vilniaus Baldai), real estate (Invalda Nekilnojamojo Turto Fondas) and IT infrastructure (Positor, Baltic Amadeus Infrastrukturos Paslaugos) segments.
Activities of Invalda group cover Central and East Europe – Poland, Lithuania, Slovakia and Latvia.
Invalda AB shares have been listed since December 19, 1995 (then – at National Stock Exchange); from the January 1, 2008 the company’s shares have been on the Main List of NASDAQ OMX Vilnius stock exchange.