Regarding the Boards of Invalda LT, AB and Invalda Privatus Kapitalas, AB

The shareholders of one of the major Lithuanian investment companies INVALDA, AB elected the Boards of Invalda LT, AB and Invalda Privatus Kapitalas, AB, operating companies after the split-off of INVALDA, AB as well as and approved Articles of Association of the companies.

Ms. Indre Miseikyte, Mr. Alvydas Banys and Mr. Darius Sulnis are elected to the Board of Invalda LT, AB. Straight after the General Shareholders Meeting, the Board of Invalda LT, AB decided to elect Mr. Alvydas Banys to the position of the Chairman of the Board. Mr. Darius Sulnis was approved as a president of Invalda LT, AB till the end of the term of office of the new Board.

Mr. Vytautas Bucas, Ms. Indre Miseikyte and Mr. Dalius Kaziunas are elected to the Board of Invalda Privatus Kapitalas, AB, starting activity after registration of the Articles of Association in the Register of Legal Entities. Mr. Dalius Kaziunas was elected as a president of Invalda Privatus Kapitalas, AB till the end of the term of office of the Board of Invalda Privatus Kapitalas, AB.

The approved authorized capital of Invalda LT, AB totals to 24,834 million litas. Shares of Invalda LT, AB will be listed in the Official list of NASDAQ OMX Vilnius stock exchange. In accordance with the last market price, capitalisation of Invalda LT, AB totals to 57,9 million EUR (199,8 million litas) when the trade in shares will be renewed.

The authorised capital of Invalda Privatus Kapitalas, AB totals to 20,689 million litas.

According to the split – off terms approved by the shareholders of the Company, a part of INVALDA, AB will be split – off and, on the basis of this part, a new public joint – stock company Invalda Privatus Kapitalas will be formed. 45.45 percent of the total assets of INVALDA, AB (a balance sheet value of the Company’s assets at the end of 2012 totaled to 372,2 million litas) as well as 45.45 percent of its equity capital and liabilities will be allocated to the newly established entity.


The person authorized to provide additional information:
Darius Sulnis
Tel. +370 5273 4876
E-mail: [email protected]