Invalda signed a sale agreement regarding shares of Umega

Vilnius, 1 December 2011. Invalda, one of the largest investment companies in Lithuania, has signed the agreement regarding sale of 29.5 percent stake in the metal processing company Umega.

“Having analyzed an offer of the shareholders of Umega and reviewed various alternatives we have decided to accept the proposal to sell our stake,” – said Mr. Darius Sulnis, the president of Invalda.

The transaction should be closed in the beginning of 2012, when the buyers receive a permission of the Competition Council.

Both parties agreed not to disclose details of the transaction. Based on preliminary estimates the sale of Umega shares will be reflected in the financial statements for the first quarter of 2012 and will have a minor positive impact on the result of Invalda.

About Invalda AB
Invalda AB, established in 1992, is the investment company whose primary objective – focusing on long-term stable growth, successful development of activities and assuring financial returns to shareholders. The largest part of Invalda Group activities are performed in Poland and Lithuania.
Shares of Invalda have been listed since December 19, 1995 (then the National Stock Exchange of Vilnius, Lithuania). From the January 1, 2008 the company’s shares have been on the Main List of NASDAQ OMX Vilnius stock exchange.
The person authorised to provide additional information:
Darius Sulnis
Tel. +370 5273 4876