Invalda LT, one of the major investment companies in Lithuania, will acquire 7.42 % of own shares for the total amount of EUR 5.343 million (LTL 18.45 million).
The company could purchase up to 2 million units of shares. During the share buy-back procedure, which finished on 7 October, it was offered to buy 1 842 553 units of shares.
“Given the fact that the company may buy-back up to 10 % of shares, the Board of Invalda LT has a possibility again in the future to decide on the acquisition of own shares. The possibility to cancel treasury shares will also we considered”, – Darius Sulnis, the president of Invalda LT, said.
The acquired shares will be settled on 10 October.
Invalda LT received announcements about the following transfers of shares during the above mentioned buy-back procedure: a company LJB Investments, related to Alvydas Banys, the Chairman of the Board of Invalda LT, sold shares of Invalda LT for EUR 1.81 million, the company Lucrum Investicija, related to Darius Sulnis, the Member of the Board and the president of Invalda LT, sold shares for the amount of EUR 978 thousand.