Invalda INVL increases its share capital after employees exercise stock options

Invalda INVL increased its share capital after employees exercised stock options. On 21 June, the new wording of the company’s Articles of Association was registered at the Register of Legal Entities.

Invalda INVL’s share capital increased to EUR 3,566,819 as the company issued 65,070 new ordinary registered shares with a nominal value of EUR 0.29. The new shares were subscribed exclusively by employees of the Invalda INVL group, exercising stock options granted to them in 2021.

“Since 2016 we have been giving employees of the group’s companies the opportunity to acquire stock options and become shareholders of the company, and to promote the growth of the company’s value together,” says Alvydas Banys, Chairman of the Board of Invalda INVL.

Employees of the group first acquired shares under the stock options programme in 2019. Since 2016 and including the agreements signed this year that specify the number of shares, employees of the company and group have entered into stock option agreements for a total of 767,642 shares of Invalda INVL. To date they have already acquired 512,249 of those shares.

The shareholders of Invalda INVL approved the share capital increase and new wording of the company’s Articles of Association at a meeting of shareholders on 30 April 2024.

About Invalda INVL

Invalda INVL is the leading Baltic asset management group with a track record spanning over 30 years. Growing and developing with an open approach, it creates well-being for people through its work. The group’s companies manage EUR 1 billion of assets across multiple asset classes including private equity, forests and agricultural land, renewable energy, real estate as well as private debt. The group’s scope of activities also includes family office services in Lithuania and Latvia, management of pension funds in Latvia, and investments in global third-party funds.

The shares of Invalda INVL have been traded on the Nasdaq Vilnius stock exchange since 1995. Further information is available here: