Invalda: Adopted decisions of a general shareholders’...

INVALDA MATERIAL EVENT ADOPTED DECISIONS OF A GENERAL SHAREHOLDERS’ MEETING 1. On 27 April 2000 a general repeated meeting of the holding company Invalda (register code 2130434, 6/2 A. Juozapavičiaus..


Invalda: Repeated convocation of a general shareholders...

INVALDA MATERIAL EVENT REPEATED CONVOCATION OF A GENERAL SHAREHOLDERS MEETING Due to the fact that at 10am , on 17 April, 2000 the general meeting of the holding company Invalda..


Invalda: Convocation of a general shareholders' meeting

INVALDA MATERIAL EVENT CONVOCATION OF A GENERAL SHAREHOLDERS’ MEETING At 10am, 17 April, 2000 the general meeting of the holding company Invalda shareholders will take place at the premises of..


Invalda: Issuer's trial profit/ loss account for 1999

INVALDA MATERIAL EVENT ISSUER’S TRIAL PROFIT/ LOSS ACCOUNT FOR 1999 According to preliminary results, in 1999 the company’s profit accounted for LTL 2,293,130. Lina Semėnaitė Information specialist (22) 72 18..
