INVL Baltic Sea Growth Fund hits second close bringing...

INVL Baltic Sea Growth Fund (“the Fund”), the largest private equity investment fund for the Baltic region, managed by one of Lithuania’s leading asset management companies INVL Asset Management, has..


Transaction between INVL Baltic Sea Growth Fund and Grigeo...

Private equity investment fund INVL Baltic Sea Growth Fund informs that due to the changes in investment strategy of Grigeo, AB group, which is one of the largest paper and..


Transaction between INVL Baltic Sea Growth Fund and Grigeo...

Private equity investment fund INVL Baltic Sea Growth Fund informs that due to the changes in investment strategy of Grigeo, AB group, which is one of the largest paper and..


Convocation of the extraordinary general shareholders...

On the initiative and decision of the Board of the public joint stock company Invalda INVL the extraordinary General Shareholders Meeting of the public joint stock company Invalda INVL (identification..


Invalda INVL’s equity at the end of the first half of the...

Invalda INVL, one of the Baltic region’s leading asset management groups, had equity of EUR 73 million, or EUR 6.28 per share, at the end of June 2019, which is..


Interim information of Invalda INVL for 6 months of 2019

Invalda INVL had equity of EUR 73 million, or EUR 6.28 per share, at the end of June 2019, which is 11.4% and 10.8% more, respectively, than at the start..


INVL Technology will continue to strengthen the groups of...

The equity of INVL Technology, a company that invests in IT businesses, was EUR 27.655 million at the end of the first half of this year, or EUR 2.27 per..


INVL Baltic Real Estate has first-half net profit of EUR 1.7...

The real estate investment company INVL Baltic Real Estate’s consolidated net profit for the first half of this year was EUR 1.7 million and compared to the same period last..


INVL Baltic Farmland has net profit of EUR 137 000 in first...

INVL Baltic Farmland, a company that invests in agricultural land, in the first half of this year had revenue of EUR 302 000 and a consolidated net profit of EUR 137 000…
