Inreal: The income of Inreal group of 2012 increased by 10.5...

February 28, 2012. Vilnius. The income of 2012 of the real estate and building maintenance companies, united under Inreal trademark, topped 38.8 million Litas[1], thus exceeding the level of 2011..


Regarding Invalda AB presentation for investors

The attached document was presented to the investors by Dalius Kaziunas, the President of Invalda AB, during his meeting with investors on February 27, 2013. Enclosed:The presentation of the terms of Invalda..


A profit of Invalda for 2012– 23.3 million litas

Invalda, one of the largest investment companies in Lithuania, earned unaudited consolidated net profit of 23.3 million litas attributable to the parent company within 2012. This is 9 times less..


Unaudited results of Invalda AB group for the period of 12...

Unaudited results of Invalda AB group for the period of 12 months ending on December 31, 2012:– consolidated net profit attributable to shareholders of Invalda AB totaled to 23.3 million..


Notification of Invalda AB on the acquisition of voting...

Invalda AB received the  notification (ATTACHED) of Alvydas Banys and the persons acting in concert with Alvydas Banys: his spouse Daiva Baniene; controlled companies LJB Investments UAB and RB Finansai..


Vilniaus baldai AB annual audited information for the year...

Please find the attached Vilniaus Baldai AB audited consosolidated and company’s financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2012 with independent auditor’s report. Enclosed: 1. Confirmation of responsible persons;2…


Vilniaus baldai AB sales and result for activity during...

In 2012, sales of Vilniaus baldai AB, in which investment company Invalda holds a controlling interest, were LTL 230.141 million or 3.5 per cent lower than in 2011 (LTL 238.368..


The presentation of the termas of Invalda Split – Off

The presentation of the termas of Invalda Split – Off.


Regarding the drawn up split – off terms and share buy –...

The Board of one of the largest Lithuanian investment companies’ Invalda AB finished the drawing – up of the Company‘s split – off terms and initiated a share buy –..
