BAIP group: Norway Registers Development AS will create an...

2013-04-17Norway Registers Development AS (NRD), as a lead partner in joint venture with local partner SAS Software Solutions Ltd., Mauritius, has been awarded a year and a half long contract..


BAIP group: Norway Registers Development AS acquired 70 per...

2013-04-15Norway Registers Development AS (NRD), a part of BAIP group, has invested in the East Africa and acquired 70 per cent shares of Tanzanian company 360° Smart Consulting Ltd. The..


An audited profit of Invalda for 2012 – 24.7 million...

Invalda, one of the largest investment companies in Lithuania, earned an audited consolidated net profit of 24.7 million litas attributable to the parent Company within 2012. This is 8.5 times..


Draft resolutions of the General Shareholders Meeting of the...

The Management Board of the public joint – stock company INVALDA approved the draft resolutions of the Ordinary General Shareholders Meeting to be held on April 30, 2013: 1. Auditor‘s..


Resolutions of the Extraordinary General Shareholders...

Resolutions of the Extraordinary General Shareholders Meeting of April 9, 2013:1. On the split – off of the public joint – stock company INVALDA. 1. In accordance with Article 71..


On the share redemption procedure and price

The public joint – stock company „INVALDA“, company code 121304349, address Šeimyniškių str. 1A, Vilnius (hereinafter – INVALDA AB or the Company) after decision on the split – off taken..


The shareholders of Invalda approved the split – off...

The shareholders of Invalda, one of the largest Lithuanian investment company‘s, approved the split – off  terms. According to those terms a part of Invalda will be split – off..


Convocation of the Ordinary General Shareholders Meeting of...

On the initiative and decision of the Company’s Management Board the Ordinary General Shareholders Meeting of the public joint – stock company INVALDA (identification code 121304349, the registered address Seimyniskiu..


The Board of Vilniaus Baldai AB convokes the Meeting of...

The Board of the largest Lithuanian furniture manufacturing company Vilniaus baldai AB in which investment company Invalda holds a controlling interest, convokes the Meeting of Shareholders on 30 of April…
