BAIP group companies strengthen cyber security in East...

The second annual conference Cyber Defence East Africa 2014 (CDEA2014) is taking place on the 16th to 19th of September in Arusha, Tanzania. The event is organized by a BAIP..


BAIP implemented innovative data centre infrastructure in...

BAIP implemented separate, highly reliable data centre for Lithuanian electricity transmission system operator Litgrid. The new data centre was implemented in line with EU directive requirements and will be used..


Net asset value of Invalda LT, AB – LTL 158.5 million

Invalda LT is one of the major companies in Lithuania investing in other businesses and managing assets. Company’s net asset value was LTL 158.5 million or LTL 13.36 per share..


Unaudited results of Invalda LT, AB group for the first 6...

Unaudited results of Invalda LT, AB group for the first 6 months of 2014:– consolidated net profit attributable to shareholders of Invalda LT, AB totaled to LTL 18.8 million (EUR..


The equity of INVL Technology, AB equals to LTL 19.9 million

The equity of INVL Technology, AB, which invests into information technology companies, amounted to LTL 19.854 million (EUR 5.75 million) or LTL 33.5 (EUR 9.7) per share at the end..


INVL Baltic Real Estate announced its results for the first...

INVL Baltic Real Estate, the company investing into real estate, consolidated equity was equal to LTL 49.443 million or LTL 7.02 (2.03 EUR) per share at the end of the..


INVL Baltic Farmland intends to buy-back 0.5% of own shares

INVL Baltic Farmland intends to buy-back 0.5% of own shares. The total amount of EUR 47.1 thousand  can be paid for the shares. EUR 2.86 will be paid for one..


INVL Baltic Farmland announced its results for the first...

INVL Baltic Farmland announced its results for the first half of 2014. At the end of June, 2014 INVL Baltic Farmland consolidated equity was equal to LTL 34.115 million or..


BAIP group consolidated revenue increased by 41 percent in...

In the second quarter of 2014 consolidated revenue of BAIP group according to preliminary data reached 4.257 million EUR (31.981 million NOK) – 41 percent increase, compared to the same..
