Regarding the change of the corporate name of the public...

The public joint-stock company Invalda LT announces that according to the resolution of the General Shareholders Meeting held on 30 April 2015, the company registered the new wording of the..


The shareholders of Invalda LT accepted to change its...

The shareholders of Invalda LT, one of the major companies in Lithuania investing in other businesses and managing assets, approved  the change  of companies corporate name to Invalda INVL. “We..


Announcement about the intention to submit a voluntary...

Public joint-stock company Invalda LT submitted announcement to Bank of Lithuania, NASDAQ OMX Vilnius and public joint-stock company INVL Technology about the intention to submit a voluntary tender offer for..


Annual information of the public joint – stock company...

We hereby announce the annual information of Invalda LT, AB for the year 2014 comprising consolidated and Company’s financial statements, consolidated annual report and the confirmation of responsible persons.          The..


Resolutions of the Shareholders Meeting of Invalda LT, AB

The resolutions of the General Shareholders Meeting of Invalda LT, AB that was held on 30 April 2015: 1.Presentation of the public joint-stock company Invalda LT consolidated annual report for..


The shareholders of INVL Technology approved the results for...

On Thursday, IT investment company INVL Technology shareholders approved the results for 2014. INVL Technology’s equity at the end of 2014 amounted to EUR 11.921 million, or EUR 1.96 per..


INVL Baltic Real Estate will merge with Invaldos...

The Board of INVL Baltic Real Estate, the only real estate investment company listed in NASDAQ Vilnius stock exchange, is authorized to prepare the Reorganisation terms of the company. According..


Profit of INVL Baltic Farmland for the first quarter of the...

During the first quarter of the year the agricultural land investment company INVL Baltic Farmland generated EUR 121 thousand of revenue and made EUR 116 thousand of net profit. As..


INVL Baltic Farmland starts to pay dividends

INVL Baltic Farmland, a company investing into agricultural land, starts to pay dividends from 22nd of April. INVL Baltic Farmland will pay EUR 197 thousand of dividends or EUR 0.06..
