Trakcja – Tiltra: Information about the resolutions for the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders

The Management Board of the Company Trakcja – Tiltra S.A. with its registered office in Warsaw (“Company”) hereby makes available the text of the resolutions, including amendments to the Articles of Association of the Company, adopted at the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company held on 12 December 2012. The content of all adopted resolutions constitutes appendix no. 1 to this current report.


The Management Board of the Company Trakcja –Tiltra S.A. with its registered office in Warsaw (“Company”) hereby makes public the information that during the Extraordinary General Meeting on 12 December 2012 the objections were raised to the minutes of the meeting regarding the following resolutions, i.e.: – an attorney of one of the shareholders raised objection to resolution no. 1 on the election of the Chairman of the Extraordinary General Meeting, – an attorney of one of the shareholders raised objection to resolution no. 2 on adoption of an agenda of the Extraordinary General Meeting, – an attorney of one of the shareholders raised objection to resolution no. 3 on changing the name of the Company and amending the Company’s Articles of Association, – two attorneys of one of the shareholders and another shareholder raised objections to resolution no. 4 on issuance of bonds convertible to H-shares, and one of the attorneys of one of the shareholders raised objection with respect to one of the questions asked thereby regarding resolution no. 4 on issuance of bonds convertible to H-shares, – two attorneys of one of the shareholders and another shareholder raised objections to resolution no. 5 on conditional increase of the share capital, waiver of pre-emptive rights of existing shareholders and amendment to the Articles of Association of the Company.