Trakcja – Tiltra: Additional opinion of the Management Board of TRAKCJA-TILTRA Spółka Akcyjna with relation to draft resolutions proposed by Comsa S.A.

The Management Board of Trakcja- Tiltra S.A. (“Company”), with reference to current report no. 67/2012 and current report no. 69/2012, hereby makes public the content of the additional opinion of the Management Board of the Company with relation to draft resolutions proposed by Comsa S.A. on December 11, 2012 as regards issuance of bonds convertible to H-shares, waiver of the pre-emptive right to H-shares and bonds convertible to H-shares in connection with the planned conditional increase of the Company’s share capital as well as H-share issue price. The text of the above-mentioned opinion is contained in the appendix to this current report and on the Company’s website: