Litagra will be led by A. Mackevicius

A. Mackevicius  will hold position as a manager of Litagra group, one of the largest  company group operating in a field of agriculture in the Baltic region.from 7  January. He who has long-term experience in managing companies.

A. Mackevicius will replace Gintaras Kateiva , a former  general manager of Litagra. G. Kateiva, the founder of the company, will keep position of  the Chairman of the Board Litagra.

Currently A.Mackevicius is the managing partner of  Strategines Kompetencijos, hold position as a manager of Topo group. Previously, he hold managing positions of the companies Vilniaus Baldai and  Palink (IKI commercial network).

“Shareholders expectations and challenges, acquaintance with the new area and the opportunity to gain experience, are the main factors responsible for my desicion to take this responsibility”- said A. Mackevicius.

Litagra Group consolidated turnover in 2013 amounted to LTL 453.5 million.

Litagra Group companies include the primary crop and livestock (milk) production, grain processing, trade and agricultural services. Group companies trade in plant protection products, fertilizers, seeds, compound feed, feed supplements, veterinary products, grain, provide grain and other raw materials drying, cleaning, handling and storage services. Group companies provide agricultural services in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.