Shareholders of Invalda will elect auditor and amend terms of bonds issues

Shareholders of Investment company Invalda at the General Shareholders Meeting, to be held on August 6, will elect an audit company for the audit of annual financial statements for the financial years 2010-2011 and will approve amendments of convertible bonds issues.

The audit company is proposed to be elect PricewaterhouseCoopers, which audited company’s and consolidated financial statements of 2009. It is proposed to elect PricewaterhouseCoopers for the audit of annual financial statements for 2010-2011 and to fix the annual remuneration of 124 000 LTL (VAT not included).

Moreover, it is proposed to approve amendments of issued non-public 25 mln. LTL and 7.44 mln. LTL convertible bonds issues’ terms. It should be determined that for one year period interest for the owners of these bonds will be paid once in a month. Therefore, RB Finansai UAB and DIM Investment UAB, the owners of convertible bonds, agreed to release part of assets from pledge.

“The agreement with bonds’ owners doesn’t change the main terms of the bonds issues, but it will partially simplify the company’s operational activities” – Darius Sulnis, the president of Invalda, said.